‘Litter Links’
Businesses in part of Derby’s St Peters Quarter Business Improvement District (BID) say their Business Watch programme to tackle crime and anti social behaviour is starting to pay dividends.
St Peters Quarter Macklin Street Business Watch involves a range of businesses in the Macklin Street and Becketwell, including G Wathall and Son funeral directors, NCP car park providers and Macklin Street Surgery.
Helen Wathall, managing director of G.Wathall & Son commented on the initiative, “A key priority for St Peters Quarter has been to bring the businesses together and to work closely with Derbyshire police to improve safety and security in the area.”
“We were then keen to work with our neighbours to address the litter issue as there is a proven link between street cleanliness and anti social behaviour. People are far more likely to better respect an area if it is clean and tidy.”
For information on all the businesses and events in St Peters Quarter, visit www.stpetersquarter.co.uk; like the Facebook page stpetersquarter and follow on Twitter@SPQDerby
Picture shows, from left: Ian McLaren, NCP; Joe Coleman, Streetpride; Helen Wathall, G Wathall and Son; and Anne Armstrong, Macklin Street Surgery.