Funeral Pricing
The average price of a funeral will vary and we are here to help guide you through the process every step of the way.
Please refer to our main price list PDF download for more detailed information about funeral prices.
Main Price ListPlease refer to this PDF download for Crematoria Price list
Crematoria Price ListPlease refer to this PDF download for our Standardised Price list
Standardised Price ListFuneral Safe Finance Options
Wathall’s has partnered with Funeral Safe to offer a new way to spread the cost of a funeral. Finance can be taken on all or part of a funeral and costs can be spread over a period of time between one and five years.
Launched in 2016 by both funeral and financial industry experts, Funeral Safe provides simple, accessible, and affordable finance for covering funeral costs. They are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and governed by an independent supervisory board.
Please click on the link below to visit the Funeral Safe website for finance options and to check eligibility.
Funeral Finance OptionsA BESPOKE FUNERAL
Our bespoke funerals are tailored to your specific requirements and wishes. Selecting from our extensive services and products, and with our years of expertise and knowledge, we will help you create a funeral fitting to the personality of your loved one.
We have comprised this package for those who wish to keep the funeral costs to a minimum. This service consists of the all the necessary funeral director’s fees. Visiting your loved one is included. Other additional services are available through our bespoke funeral option only.
Please ask for prices should you want a burial
Our direct cremation package has been created for those who would like a very simple funeral with no attendance. The direct cremation costs consist of the funeral director’s fees and crematorium fees paid on your behalf. There are a growing number of direct cremation van operators. We conduct ourselves by our company values, which is why we promise as funeral directors at the heart of the community we will never compromise on service, dignity, and care.
This service includes transfer of the deceased into our care inside office hours, completion of all documentation, cremation on a day and time that we choose with no service or mourner attendance at the crematorium, suitable simple coffin (in a standard size) with nameplate, option to collect the cremated remains from us or an unwitnessed scattering of the ashes in the crematorium Garden of Remembrance.
My Funeral Wishes
By planning ahead and using this My Funeral Wishes booklet you will save your next-of-kin and your loved ones the stress of trying to second-guess what you would have wanted. They will find great comfort by knowing that your funeral is carried out the way you want it.
Download BookletRequest further information
If you would like to receive further information from us about our services, or have any questions, please call on 01332 345268 or complete the form below: