Funeral Wishes
Make Your Wishes Known
One of the biggest taboos to discuss during our lives is death and the pandemic has heightened this further as families are even more fearful of upsetting older relatives, especially when they are unable to have conversations face to face.
Although death can be an uncomfortable subject – discussing and, more importantly, planning and making provisions for our end of life funeral, and what happens to our estate when we die is vital to ensure our wishes are met.
Wathall’s was the first funeral director locally to develop the free Funeral Wishes service – either independently or as part of pre-payment funeral plans.
This was instigated by Helen Wathall after her father had left no instructions for his own funeral:
“If I can offer just a single piece of advice it would be to “Make your Funeral Wishes known”, for the benefit of your family and friends, and for your own peace of mind too.”
Our Funeral Wishes service enables people of all ages to register, free of charge, your personal preferences for your funeral service. This will save your next-of-kin and your loved ones the stress of trying to second-guess what you would have wanted. They will find great comfort by knowing that your funeral is carried out the way you want it. We have designed this form to help you think about the options you might consider when making your personal choices.
A funeral is an occasion for your family and friends to express their grief and celebrate your life, so please fill in as much of the form as you feel able to.
If you have any questions please call one of our branches where a member of staff will be more than happy to help.
My Funeral Wishes
By planning ahead and using this My Funeral Wishes booklet you will save your next-of-kin and your loved ones the stress of trying to second-guess what you would have wanted. They will find great comfort by knowing that your funeral is carried out the way you want it.
Download BookletRequest further information
If you would like to receive further information from us about our services, or have any questions, please call on 01332 345268 or complete the form below: